I created this blog a couple of weeks ago but had difficulties starting it. Not sure how to start it since I'm into my second trimester now, it just seems strange to begin in the middle. This is meant for "you" to read later on and for me to look back on.
Yesterday, your daddy and I went to get the "Integrated Screening" or ultrasound. You are 13 weeks, 4 days and the size of a shrimp (not sure if you are a jumbo shrimp or one of those tiny ones). It was pretty amazing. There you were. There was your head, your big belly and your arms. At one point, it looks like you were doing a hand stand, your whole body was stretched out. You had hiccups. I counted 3 but not sure. You daddy was grinning the whole time. I swear if the tech wasn't there, he would be taking over the screening and trying to see you from all angles.
I've attached some pics of what you look like at 13 weeks and 4 days. You look bigger than a shrimp to me...
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